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86-year-old female driver drives into oncoming traffic

An ambulance is on duty with a blue light / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa/Symbolic image
An ambulance is on duty with a blue light / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa/Symbolic image

An 86-year-old woman has driven her car into oncoming traffic near Neuensalz, injuring two people. On Friday afternoon, for reasons as yet unknown, the 86-year-old woman veered left into the opposite lane on a right-hand bend and collided with the car of a 29-year-old man, police said on Saturday morning. According to the information provided, she was seriously injured and the 29-year-old was slightly injured.

The accident on Falkensteiner Straße left an oil slick 50 meters long. The two cars sustained property damage of 38,000 euros.

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