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Additional stops for long-distance trains to the Leipzig Book Fair

Jana Kielczynski from ZWA Design pastes the Book Fair logo on the 36 steps of a staircase. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Jana Kielczynski from ZWA Design pastes the Book Fair logo on the 36 steps of a staircase. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

During the Leipzig Book Fair (March 21 to 24), Deutsche Bahn ICE and IC trains will also stop at the Leipzig-Messe station. This applies to trains on the Berlin-Munich, Wiesbaden-Dresden and Leipzig-Hanover routes, Deutsche Bahn announced on Wednesday. In addition, a special train will run directly from Dresden to the Leipzig Trade Fair on both days of the trade fair weekend. The train, known as the "Bücherwurm", will depart from Dresden Central Station at 8.58 a.m. and leave Leipzig Messe again at 5.21 p.m. Various S-Bahn trains also call at the Messe stop.

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