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Drunk driving and falling asleep: police investigate drunk driving

A 35-year-old man was found asleep against a tree by the police after a drunken drive. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa
A 35-year-old man was found asleep against a tree by the police after a drunken drive. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa

A 35-year-old man drives his car into a ditch while drunk and is later found asleep against a tree. He remains uninjured.

A 35-year-old man was driving drunk near Gröditz (Meißen district) and then fell asleep against a tree. According to the police, the man was observed by witnesses driving in serpentine lines. The 35-year-old driver left the road near the Nieska district, drove into the ditch and came to a halt on a dirt track. When the officers arrived, however, the man had already driven on and was found asleep against a tree shortly before entering the village of Nieska. A breath test revealed a blood alcohol level of 3.1 per mille. According to the Federal Center for Health Education, an alcohol level above three per mille can be life-threatening or even fatal. The police are investigating for drunk driving.

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