Water is an important location factor for companies, according to the Cottbus Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). "The economy must be able to trust that the economic situation will not come under further pressure because water is becoming scarce," said IHK Managing Director André Fritsche ahead of the third Lusatia Water Conference. "The success of structural change depends on water management solutions. Lusatia will be dry by 2038 at the latest with the end of coal mining if we don't take countermeasures now."
Structural change in water management
In a nationwide comparison, Brandenburg is one of the driest federal states. The Lusatia Water Conference wants to take a look at how the structural change in the water industry - i.e. water supply and wastewater disposal - is shaping up. Lusatia in Brandenburg and Saxony is undergoing a transition from coal to renewable energies.
The meeting in Cottbus is being organized by the Water Cluster Lusatia Association, the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) and the Cottbus Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Around 250 guests are expected to attend. The highest water authorities of the states of Saxony, Brandenburg and Berlin will also make statements there.
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