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Ministry raffles off train tickets to young adults

Get to know the whole of Europe by train without having to spend any money: Interrail tickets will soon be raffled off again in Saxony. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Patrick Seeger/dpa
Get to know the whole of Europe by train without having to spend any money: Interrail tickets will soon be raffled off again in Saxony. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Patrick Seeger/dpa

Getting to know the whole of Europe by train without having to spend any money. For some young adults in Bavaria, this will soon be possible.

Young people in Saxony can once again win tickets for a train journey through Europe. 700 Interrail tickets will be raffled off to young people between the ages of 18 and 27, as announced by the Ministry of Europe. 250 tickets are reserved for trainees. Between March and November 2025, the winners will be able to travel through Europe by train alone or in pairs. There is also a travel allowance of 250 euros.

"Traveling, working or learning together without barriers and borders is one of the greatest achievements in the history of European unification," said Minister for Europe Katja Meier (Greens). The "Saxorail" program, which was launched in 2022, aims to give young people the opportunity to get to know "Europe and all its riches" better. From September 15 to October 15, interested parties can register online for the competition. Last year, 3,200 young people applied for Interrail tickets.

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