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Photothermal modules "made in Saxony": Start of construction near Dresden

Sunmaxx GmbH. / Photo: Frank Grätz/Sunmaxx PVT/obs/archive image
Sunmaxx GmbH. / Photo: Frank Grätz/Sunmaxx PVT/obs/archive image

The Dresden-based company "Sunmaxx" wants to become a pioneer of the next generation of solar technologies. Now the company has started building a highly automated module production facility.

The Dresden-based solar start-up "Sunmaxx" has begun construction of a highly automated module production facility in Ottendorf-Okrilla near Dresden. The production facility in the Bautzen district, with a capacity of 50 megawatts per year, will be the largest PVT production facility in the world, the company told Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Thursday. The plant will be built on an existing manufacturing site with 4000 square meters of production area.

PVT modules are a combination of photovoltaic and solar thermal modules. "Sunmaxx" says PVT technology combines thermal management know-how from the automotive sector with established solar technology. The company says its technology has given it a several-year development lead over its Asian competitors.

"It makes little sense to compete with Asian rivals on existing technologies, as the development and scale advantage is far too great," company CEO Wilhelm Stein said. Europe's opportunity, he said, lies in innovation and rapid scaling of next-generation technologies.

The first line is expected to open this year. The solar company also said further expansion to several hundred megawatts per year is possible. The production capacity planned for 2023 could cover about 5000 single-family homes. In total, the company plans a production capacity of up to three gigawatts.

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