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Two injured in car accident

Two cars collided in an accident in Oberlungwitz (symbolic image). / Photo: Stefan Puchner/dpa
Two cars collided in an accident in Oberlungwitz (symbolic image). / Photo: Stefan Puchner/dpa

A driver overlooks an approaching car when leaving an exit ramp. Two people are injured in the collision.

Two people have been injured in a car accident on the Bundesstraße 173 in the Zwickau district. According to the police, a 69-year-old driver drove out of the exit of a property onto the road in Oberlungwitz yesterday afternoon and overlooked an approaching car. The two vehicles collided and the 69-year-old's passenger and the driver of the other car had to be taken to hospital with injuries. The federal highway was closed for around an hour due to the accident.

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