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Unusual operation of the fire department: drunken coachman brought home with carriage and horse

A police emergency vehicle stands at the side of the road. / Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa/Symbolbild
A police emergency vehicle stands at the side of the road. / Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa/Symbolbild

Fire department brings drunk coachman together with carriage and horse safely home

Unusual operation for the fire department: Because a coachman was drunk, the emergency services brought his carriage and the horse home. The man himself came to the blood withdrawal in the hospital, as the police announced.

A passerby had informed the police on Monday evening, when she noticed the drunken coachman in Reichenbach (Vogtland). When the officials found the coachman after a short search and conducted a breath alcohol test, a value of 1.32 promille resulted with the man. Since one could not have parked the carriage simply, a comrade of the voluntary fire department, which is coincidentally team driver, steered horse and carriage safely home.

Against the 34-year-old coachman is now determined because of drunkenness in traffic.

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