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Wave of strikes at City-Bahn Chemnitz continues

A City-Bahn Chemnitz GmbH railcar is parked at Chemnitz main station / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
A City-Bahn Chemnitz GmbH railcar is parked at Chemnitz main station / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

No end in sight: new strike announced at City-Bahn Chemnitz. Union demands 35-hour week.

There is no end in sight to the wave of strikes at City-Bahn Chemnitz. The company is preparing for a new strike on Wednesday - the 16th in a row, as a spokesperson announced on Monday. The train drivers' union announced the strike to the management at the weekend, but without giving an exact time. The duration is also unclear for the time being. With the industrial action, the union is putting pressure on the introduction of the 35-hour week. The municipal railroad company has so far resisted this. It operates several lines in the Chemnitz area.

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