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More places, but fewer children in daycare

In Saxony, fewer children are attending daycare centers than in the previous year. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
In Saxony, fewer children are attending daycare centers than in the previous year. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

In Saxony, fewer children were cared for in daycare facilities in 2024 than in the previous year. But the number of places available has increased.

In Saxony, the number of places in daycare facilities has risen by more than 2,400 to around 377,400. At the same time, around 3,300 fewer children were attending a daycare facility as of March 1, 2024 (319,400 in total) than in the previous year, according to the State Statistical Office. Boys (around 164,000) clearly outnumbered girls (around 155,400).

About 14 percent of the children in care were under the age of three. Around 41% were of kindergarten age, i.e. three years and older, and did not yet attend school. In addition, 45 percent were schoolchildren in after-school care.

At 51,700, the most children were looked after in Leipzig - roughly the same number as in the previous year. It also had the most childcare places with almost 60,100 and the largest increase (+846), followed by Chemnitz (+775). Almost two thirds of all new places were created in these two cities. With the exception of Dresden (-123) and the districts of Meißen (-45) and Zwickau (-5), there were more childcare places everywhere in Saxony than in the previous year.

A total of 3,065 childcare facilities in Saxony (2023: 3,067) employed 44,317 people (2023: 44,311), the majority of whom were teaching, management or administrative staff.

In addition, a further 4,600 children were cared for by 1,047 childminders and 81 childminders. Compared to the previous year, the number of children cared for in this way fell by around 1,000. 95 percent were under the age of three.

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