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Children's and youth recreation centers with record overnight stays

Individual tents stand in front of a communal tent / Photo: Stefan Puchner/dpa
Individual tents stand in front of a communal tent / Photo: Stefan Puchner/dpa

School trips and vacation camps are an integral part of the annual program for many pupils. There are several popular destinations in Saxony.

The five children's and youth recreation centers in Saxony recorded a record number of overnight stays last year. More than 244,000 overnight stays in 2023 were an increase of 12,000 compared to 2022, the state association KiEZ Sachsen announced on Tuesday. The centers in Weißwasser, Schneeberg, Sebnitz, Seifhennersdorf and Grünheide are a popular destination for school trips and vacation camps. Demand for them is consistently high.

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