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Green Party constituency office in Weimar attacked

The logo of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen is printed on a stand / Photo: Moritz Frankenberg/dpa/Symbolic image
The logo of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen is printed on a stand / Photo: Moritz Frankenberg/dpa/Symbolic image

Unknown persons throw stones at the Greens' constituency office in Weimar; several windows damaged

A Green Party constituency office in Weimar has been pelted with stones by unknown persons. Several windows were damaged on Saturday night, the police announced on Sunday. They put the damage at around 1000 euros.

According to the Greens, there have recently been a whole series of attacks on their constituency offices. At Christmas in Saalfeld and later in Jena, piles of dung were dumped in front of the offices, and last Thursday windows were smashed in Eisenach.

This is "protest without a willingness to talk" and leads to a brutalization of the culture of debate, explained state managing director Michael Kost. Of course, green politics can be criticized "and even harshly". But this must be done in the context of debates. Minister President Bodo Ramelow (Left Party) also condemned the attacks.

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