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Greens call for more help for animal shelters and rescue centers

A dachshund on the sidelines of a press conference on the 2023 balance sheet in its kennel at the Dresden animal shelter / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
A dachshund on the sidelines of a press conference on the 2023 balance sheet in its kennel at the Dresden animal shelter / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The Greens in Saxony's state parliament are proposing better help for animal shelters and sanctuaries for wild animals. "The animal shelters in Saxony are at the limit of what they can achieve. The number of animals taken in is constantly increasing - but the resources are not growing with it," explained MP Ines Kummer on Friday in Dresden. This not only puts a strain on the animals, but also on the many volunteers who have long been working at their limits.

According to Kummer, animal welfare is a task for society as a whole. "We all need to realize that animals are not commodities that can simply be returned if we don't like them. The federal government is currently working on improvements to animal welfare. However, the Free State of Bavaria also has a duty to provide more support for animal shelters and wild animal rescue centers."

In a position paper, the Green parliamentary group makes proposals on how animal shelters and wild animal rescue centers can be better supported. This includes more money for the implementation of the animal welfare funding guideline. The current maximum of 10,000 euros for personnel costs is not enough, they say. The Greens are also in favor of an awareness campaign about the illegal puppy trade and the establishment of a nationwide network of wild animal sanctuaries based on the example of Lower Saxony.

The Left Party in the state parliament pointed out that they themselves introduced a corresponding motion to support animal sanctuaries in the state parliament in March, but that it did not meet with the approval of the Greens. "Instead of making election campaign noise, there would have been time enough to support the cause. That's a shame," said party leader Susanne Schaper.

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