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Greens elect state list for the state elections

Wolfram Günther, Katja Meier and Franziska Schubert (all Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, l-r). / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Wolfram Günther, Katja Meier and Franziska Schubert (all Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, l-r). / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

The Saxon Greens want to adopt their state list for the state elections on September 1 on Saturday (from 10.00 am). The top trio has already been determined, but still needs the official confirmation of the 120 delegates. Justice Minister Katja Meier is in first place on the list, followed by Environment and Energy Minister Wolfram Günther and parliamentary group leader Franziska Schubert. A further 27 places on the list are also to be allocated. The Greens had already expressed their intention to remain in government in the run-up to the election. They promised their voters "politics with backbone".

In the 2019 state elections, the Greens received 8.6% of the vote in Saxony. They are currently polling at seven percent. According to the party, it currently has 3,600 members in Saxony.

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