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Independent voters in Saxony feel disadvantaged in the election campaign

Dresden: The Free Voters see a disadvantage in the election campaign because they were not invited to election forums. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Dresden: The Free Voters see a disadvantage in the election campaign because they were not invited to election forums. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The Free Voters in Saxony see themselves at a disadvantage in the election campaign for the state parliamentary elections because they were not invited to the election forums of the Saxon State Center for Political Education.

Dresden (dpa/sn) - The Free Voters (FW) in Saxony see themselves at a further disadvantage in the election campaign for the state elections on September 1. The main reason for this is the fact that they were not invited to the election forums of the Saxon State Center for Political Education. The state center bases the invitation primarily on poll results, the presence of parties in the Saxon state parliament and the Bundestag and the principle of graduated equal opportunities.

"This suggests that there is still an equal opportunity in the wording. However, we cannot see that," emphasized FW head Thomas Weidinger. Rather, the State Center for Political Education is sticking to decades-old selection criteria and completely ignoring the fact that society has changed dramatically. "You only have to ask yourself why an FDP is invited to the election forums even though it has become almost insignificant in Saxony. Just because it sits in the Bundestag? That is incomprehensible."

Principle of graduated equality of opportunity

The so-called principle of graduated equality of opportunity provides for a differentiated approach to the parties, depending on their importance. The Federal Constitutional Court cites the previous election result of a party as an important criterion, as well as other factors such as the duration of its existence, its continuity, its number of members, the scope and expansion of its organizational network, its representation in parliament and its participation in government at federal or state level.

Representative opinion polls also play a role in the run-up to an election because they are an indication of the parties' prospects of entering parliament. This is why the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance in Saxony is also taking part in the forums in all 60 constituencies. The BSW is currently polling at 15 percent. The State Center for Political Education has also invited the CDU, AfD, Left Party, Greens, SPD and FDP. The Free Voters have recently been polling at three percent and the FDP at two percent.

FW boss: State center for political education must become more independent

Weidinger does not believe that appeals to fairness will achieve anything. "In our opinion, there is also no need for legal regulation." However, the State Agency for Civic Education must become more independent. At the moment, the Ministry of Justice, led by the Greens, is in charge. The Free Voters also want to compensate for a lack of presence in the media by expanding their own social media channels. They are also working closely with independent and community-rooted associations and organizations.

"We are still convinced that we will surpass the five percent hurdle. Based on the numerous positive responses from the population, we are justifiably optimistic," said Weidinger. However, the basic mandate clause could also enable us to enter the state parliament. "We expect to win at least two direct mandates and believe we have a good chance of winning at least two more."

According to Saxony's electoral law, a party enters the state parliament even if it fails to meet the five-percent threshold but wins two direct mandates. In this case, the second votes count towards their number of seats in parliament, even if the second vote share is below five percent.

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