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News about #Free Voters

Federal leader of the Free Voters Hubert Aiwanger has made it clear: There will be no political cooperation between his party and the AfD in Saxony either. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Free Voters and AfD: no political cooperation

The leading candidate for the Free Voters in Saxony has put his national leader in a bind with ambiguous statements about the AfD. Aiwanger makes it clear: there will be no cooperation with the AfD.

Thomas Weidinger, Chairman of the Free Voters of Saxony / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Independent voters warn of school system collapse

The Free Voters (FW) in Saxony believe that the integration of children and young people with foreign roots into the school system is no longer guaranteed and warn of a collapse. "The figures show alarming conditions. The number of preparatory classes for German as a second language has almost doubl ..

Thomas Weidinger, chairman of the Free Voters of Saxony / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild

Solidarity among the Free Voters in Saxony

The Free Voters (FW) in Saxony want to show unity with a view to the local and state elections in 2024. At a meeting in Oederan, they have closed ranks, explained FW state leader Thomas Weidinger on Thursday. "For the first time, we have succeeded in establishing the connection between the municipal ..