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Investigation into falsified audio files at demos

A sign with the word "Police" hangs on a police station / Photo: Roland Weihrauch/dpa/Symbolic image
A sign with the word "Police" hangs on a police station / Photo: Roland Weihrauch/dpa/Symbolic image

State security and the Dresden public prosecutor's office are investigating suspected falsified audio files that were played at demonstrations in Dresden. The police announced on Tuesday that AI-generated audio files had been repeatedly played by the organizers at rallies in the past. These had given the impression that speakers from the news programme "Tagesschau" were apologizing for alleged lies in their reporting.

According to a police spokesperson, the audio files were played during the so-called Monday demonstrations. According to the statement, there is an initial suspicion of defamation and insult. The state security service is also investigating incitement to hatred. According to another spokesperson, this relates to a specific contribution about refugees.

The audio files were banned from being played at the assembly last Monday evening and at future events. The assembly authorities have been informed of the investigation proceedings.

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