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Member of Leipzig state parliament calls for abolition of the weapons ban zone

A sign with the inscription "Weapons prohibited" on Eisenbahnstraße / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
A sign with the inscription "Weapons prohibited" on Eisenbahnstraße / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Leipzig state parliament member Juliane Nagel (Left Party) is calling for the abolition of the weapons ban zone around Eisenbahnstraße in Leipzig, as it is considered ineffective and stigmatizing.

Leipzig state parliament member Juliane Nagel (Left Party) has called for the abolition of the gun ban zone around Eisenbahnstraße in her home city. "All the facts speak in favor of abolishing the gun ban zone. It's ineffective, it stigmatizes entire districts and is rightly rejected by the population," argued the politician on Tuesday, describing the regulation as "pure symbolic politics".

The Leipzig City Council has also repeatedly spoken out in favour of ending this measure. Nevertheless, the special control zone will continue to exist until a police station is set up in the area.

The MP had asked the state parliament in a minor question when the ordinance on the weapons ban zone would be lifted. In its answer, the Ministry of the Interior referred to an action plan. Among other things, this provides for the re-establishment of a police station in Eisenbahnstraße. The abolition of the weapons ban zone ordinance is to be linked to its opening. However, a suitable property has not yet been found.

E Eisenbahnstraße is a crime hotspot in Leipzig. The first and so far only weapons ban zone in Saxony was established there in November 2018. Certain weapons may not be carried in the area, which is around 70 soccer pitches in size, and the police may carry out checks regardless of suspicion.

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