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Rejected asylum seekers from North Macedonia and Serbia deported from Halle/Leipzig airport

Rejected asylum seekers board a plane at Baden Airport as part of a nationwide collective deportation / Photo: Daniel Maurer/dpa/Archivbild
Rejected asylum seekers board a plane at Baden Airport as part of a nationwide collective deportation / Photo: Daniel Maurer/dpa/Archivbild

91 rejected asylum seekers from North Macedonia and Serbia have been deported from Halle/Leipzig Airport

Rejected asylum seekers from North Macedonia and Serbia have been deported from Halle/Leipzig Airport. A total of 91 people were deported on Tuesday, the Saxony state directorate announced on Wednesday at the request of the German Press Agency. 49 asylum seekers had previously been rejected in Saxony, 42 in other federal states. The people were returned to North Macedonia and Serbia, it said.

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