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Saxon liberals against stricter gun laws

A trove of rapid-fire weapons and weapon parts seized by the Zwickau police during raids. / Photo: Mike Müller/TNN/dpa/Archivbild
A trove of rapid-fire weapons and weapon parts seized by the Zwickau police during raids. / Photo: Mike Müller/TNN/dpa/Archivbild

The FDP in Saxony rejects a tightening of gun laws. "We already have very strict gun laws in Germany," explained Robert Malorny, the leading candidate of the FDP Saxony for the state elections in Dresden on Thursday. He was reacting to considerations by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). Instead of bringing further tightening into play, work should be done on better implementation of the existing rules. "If, for example, there are 90 known dangerous people with weapons in the Free State of Saxony, even the strictest gun laws are useless as long as the authorities sanction less than a third of the known cases - i.e. disarm these people using constitutional means."

A question from Left Party politician Kerstin Köditz in the Saxon state parliament this week revealed that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in the Free State had evidence of 46 people from the far-right scene who possessed a total of 66 long guns and 51 short guns. "This was one of the reasons why targeted checks were carried out, which led to the withdrawal of weapons licenses and the surrender of weapons in 26 cases. However, this does not lead to an effective disarming of the scene," said Köditz. So far, only the "tip of the iceberg" has been tackled.

"We are therefore calling for the laws to be better implemented and enforced instead of constantly enacting new tightening measures that ultimately don't achieve much, but place an additional burden on hunters and marksmen," emphasized Malorny.

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