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Scholz defends missile deployment in Germany

Dresden: During a visit to Dresden, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended the deployment of missiles in Germany. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Dresden: During a visit to Dresden, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended the deployment of missiles in Germany. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The issue of war and peace is also currently playing a major role in the East German election campaign. Chancellor Olaf Scholz reaffirms his stance on this issue.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) sees the stationing of American medium-range missiles in Germany as a contribution to securing peace. The German government's security strategy provides "that we need such weapons to deter war", he said during a visit to the Saxon SPD headquarters in Dresden. Everyone must know that the price of an attack is very high. That is why we have to be prepared militarily. There is a missile threat from Russia. Everything must be done to ensure the safety of the population.

According to Scholz, Germany has lost the ability to defend itself against attacks from the air for decades. That was a big mistake. "Now we are going to change that." At the same time, Scholz emphasized the need for disarmament. However, this must happen on all sides. If we "make ourselves strong" now, we must also signal our willingness to negotiate on arms control.

In a recent survey by the opinion research institute Civey, one in two people in Germany expressed concern about the deployment of missiles. According to the survey, half of Germans fear an escalation of the conflict with Russia if long-range US missiles are stationed in Germany. This is viewed critically, especially in eastern Germany. In Dresden, the Federal Chancellor evaded a question about the reasons for this attitude.

Scholz: Will talk to Putin if there is something to talk about

Scholz defended his stance on further arms deliveries to Ukraine. If no weapons were supplied to Ukraine, the country would be conquered in no time. In order to maintain the option for a peaceful Europe, it is important that Ukraine can defend itself and that Russia does not win the war. At the same time, Scholz wants to remain open to talks. He had also spoken to Putin after the start of the war together with French President Emmanuel Macron. "I will do that again if there is something to talk about."

When it comes to the question of war and peace, Scholz said that we should not throw up our flags in the wind. People could rely on him. "My steadfastness is there. I will not let anyone push me. We must support Ukraine in order to ensure peace and security in Europe." All steps must be weighed up carefully. This also includes strengthening NATO. Spending two percent of economic output on defense is a major effort. But we will stick to it.

Scholz described Ukraine's military advance in the Russian region of Kursk as a "limited operation". It had been prepared in secret and had not been coordinated with Ukraine's partners. However, it was not possible to formulate a final verdict.

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