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Saxony provides 5.2 million euros for short-term care

View into the plenary chamber of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
View into the plenary chamber of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxony is making 5.2 million euros available for short-term care in the coming year, initially creating 130 additional places. "We are providing an important impetus to strengthen home care and noticeably relieve the burden on family carers," said Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) on Tuesday after the cabinet meeting in Dresden. Especially after a stay in hospital, during vacations or in crisis situations, short-term care becomes a secure anchor that enables good care for those in need, even in transitional periods.

According to Köpping, the vast majority of people in need of care are cared for at home. There are currently around 310,000 people in Saxony who are dependent on care. 47,286 of them are cared for in institutions, all others are cared for at home. Many relatives are heavily burdened and overloaded, said the Minister. After the 130 places in the new year, 70 more are to be created in the following year.

The ministry has a total volume of 20 million euros in mind for this in the coming years. The new places are to be created in all districts and independent cities. There are currently 1141 short-term care places in Saxony

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