Rise in the number of power cuts in major cities
Anyone who does not pay their electricity bill must expect to be cut off. The Left Party is calling for a ban on electricity and gas cut-offs by law.
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Anyone who does not pay their electricity bill must expect to be cut off. The Left Party is calling for a ban on electricity and gas cut-offs by law.
People with disabilities are sometimes reluctant to attend courses at adult education centers. This is because many of these institutions are still not completely barrier-free. This is now set to change in Saxony.
Bad grades or anxiety. The number against grief helps students and parents with their worries.
Since November 1, people in Germany have been able to change their gender entry and first name more easily - without an expert opinion or court proceedings. In Dresden, 263 people have already done this.
Care becomes a care case itself. The vast majority of those affected cannot afford to pay high personal contributions for accommodation in a care home. Resentment is growing.
Residents have to bear some of the costs of nursing home care themselves. In Saxony, the amounts are below the national average, but there was a significant increase.
One year ago, Saxony's first day hospice for seriously ill people opened in Leipzig. The number of guests is increasing. Even a wedding has been celebrated there.
Even those who have worked long hours are not immune to poverty in old age. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance wants a referendum on the issue.
Saxony has to save money. A provisional budget is currently in place due to a lack of funds. Youth welfare organizations are calling for existing services to be protected.
In Saxony, housing benefit is increasing for many households. The increase is intended to provide noticeable relief for low-income earners - but not everyone will benefit equally.
Sören Pellmann, member of the Bundestag, has called for compulsory school social work at grammar schools.
Day after day and around the clock, the volunteers at the telephone counseling service are ready to listen to people seeking help. The number of inquiries increases during the holidays.
Left-wing politician Lay has asked the federal government how the number of power cuts has developed. In Saxony, grid operators are interrupting the supply less frequently.
A house that only slightly exceeds the legally permitted living space can be counted as an asset for recipients of citizen's allowance. This was decided by the Saxon State Social Court.
For almost 30 years, church congregations in the Saxon state capital have been opening their doors to homeless people during the cold months. The offer is unique in this form.
Being diagnosed with leukemia is a shock. This was also the case for star tenor José Carreras. He fell ill in 1987 - and survived. One thing in particular has helped him over the years.
On average, girls in Saxony live significantly longer than boys born in the state. And their life expectancy is also higher than that of girls in other federal states.
Since April, asylum seekers have been given a payment card instead of cash. The Refugee Council criticizes this measure. Initiatives are now offering the exchange for cash
Men from North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland receive the highest old-age pensions in a nationwide comparison. Saxony's men are below the average, but its women are above it.
More than 4,500 people in the Free State are housed in a facility because they have no accommodation. The Left Party believes that the Free State is also responsible.
Sharp rent increases in Saxony are no longer limited to the metropolitan areas of Dresden and Leipzig. According to the Left Party, consideration must also be given to building social housing in the surrounding areas.
Even before it is presented, the draft budget for 2025/2026 for the Saxon state capital is causing displeasure. Protests are planned against far-reaching savings plans.
A park bench is not a home, says Diakonie. Especially in the winter months, homeless people have a hard time. Donations are requested to alleviate their fate.
Fewer people are claiming rehabilitation benefits after the pandemic than before. However, German Pension Insurance expects this to change again.
During the winter months, homeless people can spend the night in the rooms of Dresden's church congregations. The idea came from a group of students almost 30 years ago.
There is a shortage of skilled workers in the care sector - even though demand continues to rise. The baby boomer effect will further exacerbate the problems.
Michael Kretschmer wants to adapt the basic right to asylum to the current migration figures. Whether the heads of the federal states will support this will be decided at the meeting in Leipzig.
At the national congress of the Green Youth in Leipzig, the main focus will be on personnel realignment. However, the party youth also wants to set the tone in terms of content.
They are committed to topics such as civil courage, coping with war trauma, inclusion and anti-bullying: five social initiatives are awarded the HanseMerkur Prize for Child Protection.
Only Saxony pays deaf people monthly compensation for their additional expenses. In addition to this support, the minister responsible believes that inclusion requires further efforts.
Adults who have problems with reading and writing are to find help in seven new basic education centers in Saxony in the future. The facilities will be located in rural areas.
Childcare, energy transition, migration - local authorities have to deal with many tasks at the same time. East German city leaders are calling for more support - and criticizing the federal government.
People without their own accommodation in Saxony can stay overnight in facilities. The use of the facilities has been recorded on the same night for three years. Demand is increasing.
Many older people, the sick and those in need of care are supported by relatives in the same household. New data shows how many people this is and how much time they spend.
The people of Saxony are getting older and older, and the need for care is increasing. An already acute shortage of nursing staff will worsen in the future. The Minister of Social Affairs sees one solution in particular.
The people of Saxony are getting older and older, and the need for care is increasing. An already acute shortage of nursing staff will worsen in the future. The Minister of Social Affairs sees one solution in particular.
Thousands of people in Saxony do voluntary service. However, savings in the federal government could lead to painful cuts.
A few days before the elections in Saxony and Thuringia, the Chancellor honors volunteers from the East - and thinks back to a project of his own.
Despite a growing need for housing, building permits are falling drastically in some Saxon cities. Without more new construction, Leipzig, Dresden and Chemnitz are threatened with considerable housing market bottlenecks.
The Commissioner for Eastern Europe feels that the mood in the East is sometimes worse than the situation would suggest. Brandenburg's Minister President makes a similar observation.
Those who receive citizen's allowance receive additional support with rent and heating. However, this is often not enough, especially for families and in Saxony's large cities.
Having worked all your life, your pension is still not enough for a carefree retirement. Many people in Saxony are confronted with this problem. The Left Party makes a proposal.
Socializing keeps you fit. Loneliness, on the other hand, can make you ill. This is also a problem for many people in Saxony. The Left Party sees this as an important task for politicians.
A project in Leipzig helps young people with criminal convictions to fulfill their work obligations. And is now being supported in doing so.
People in Saxony are getting older and older. This is associated with an increased incidence of diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia - which are a challenge for those affected and their relatives.
Most primary school pupils in Saxony are also looked after all day. After learning reading, writing or arithmetic, they play and romp around in the school building - and need a nice environment to do so.
Lack of use at markets and clubs, not enough cash for schoolchildren, lengthy approval of bank transfers - there are always problems with the payment card.
The Left Party in the Saxon state parliament has failed with its bill for a special fund for social equalization and climate protection.
The left-wing parties in the Saxon state parliament have failed with their bill for a special fund for social compensation and climate protection. Five billion euros were to be used to relieve the population in the event of crises, natural disasters or catastrophes. During a debate in parliament on ..
The Saxon SPD criticizes the Ministry of Finance for planned spending cuts in the areas of education and social affairs.
Every fifth child in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia is considered poor. A fundraising campaign by Diakonie aims to give them a vacation.
Saxony transfers more powers to school authorities to examine specialists. The focus shifts to quality development.
Saxony wants to make it easier for migrants to settle into their new home. On Thursday, the state parliament in Dresden passed an integration and participation law. Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) spoke of a milestone on the way to a society that values and promotes the diversity of its ..
An alliance of trade unions, parents' and pupils' councils and the secondary school teachers' association has called for the nationwide expansion of school social work in Saxony. "Media consumption, violence, bullying and stress among children and young people have been on the rise for years," said ..
Trade union, parents' and pupils' councils and secondary school teachers' association call for expansion of school social work by 2030.
Investments in training and image are not enough to improve the staffing situation in the care sector in Saxony. The DAK nursing report shows a growing gap.
There is also a shortage of skilled workers in the care sector, and demand is rising. Saxony is still able to fill the gaps left by retiring employees in clinics and care homes.
Asylum seekers in the Vogtland district will receive payment cards instead of cash from April to prevent misuse. District office orders 800 cards.
From April, asylum seekers in the Vogtland district will receive a payment card instead of cash. As the district administration office in Plauen announced on Wednesday, this is intended to counter possible misuse and the outflow of money to the countries of origin. In future, each asylum seeker will ..
The number of social housing units in Saxony rose by 452 to just under 13,000 last year. However, the demand is far higher. In a survey, local authorities reported a need for a good 11,000 additional social housing units. At 10,000, the shortage is by far the greatest in Dresden, according to the Mi ..
In spring, many families in Saxony celebrate their children becoming adults. Confirmation takes place in churches - but most choose the secular alternative.
Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping praises the work of the health authorities in Saxony and emphasizes their key role in public health. Their work is honored at the open day.
Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs, Petra Köpping, emphasizes the importance of psychosocial care for traumatized refugees and praises the work of the psychosocial centers.
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has welcomed the agreement reached by the traffic light coalition on payment cards for asylum seekers in principle. Now it depends on the exact details, he said in an initial reaction to the German Press Agency in Chemnitz. The payment card is imp ..
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has welcomed the agreement reached by the traffic light coalition on payment cards for asylum seekers in principle. Now it depends on the exact details, he said in an initial reaction to the German Press Agency in Chemnitz. The payment card is imp ..
The legislative plans have been agreed in the coalition agreement between the CDU, Greens and SPD. However, the CDU fears more bureaucracy. The cabinet decision has not resolved the conflict within the coalition.
The payment card for asylum seekers is controversial. Berlin's head of government considers the dispute in the traffic light coalition about it to be unhelpful. He would prefer a nationwide solution.
Views on payment cards for asylum seekers differ within the traffic light coalition. And this is also a contentious issue in Saxony. According to the Greens, there is no reason for a row.
The CDU parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament accuses the Greens at federal level of torpedoing a nationwide solution for the introduction of a payment card for refugees. This would lead to an aberration in migration policy and endanger social peace.
Saxony's Social Affairs Minister Köpping (SPD) has described Prime Minister Kretschmer's comparison with the GDR as inappropriate.
Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) is optimistic that an agreement can still be reached in the coalition dispute over the EU Supply Chain Act.
Minister of Education Piwarz speaks of "schools with special challenges and in special situations": Targeted support is now to be provided for these thanks to a federal-state agreement.
The Johanniter aid organization in Saxony is training migrants to become rescue assistants. "We offer this special qualification for refugees in the care and rescue services," explained coordinator Antje Zajonz in Leipzig on Friday. The entry level is particularly low - participants basically only n ..
This year, the Saxon Ministry of Social Affairs supported investments in hospitals in Saxony with 193 million euros.
Saxony is making 5.2 million euros available for short-term care in the coming year, initially creating 130 additional places. "We are providing an important impetus to strengthen home care and noticeably relieve the burden on family carers," said Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) on Tuesd ..
Saxony has the highest proportion of students who finance their studies via Bafög, according to a study by the CHE Center for Higher Education Development. In 2022, 19,186 students took advantage of this state funding, which corresponds to a share of 18.3 percent.
Dozens of Saxon associations and organizations have spoken out in favour of a significant expansion of funding programmes for integration work. The financial resources are a pillar for civil society involvement in the area of refugees and migration.
The Saxon Ministry of Social Affairs has pledged 6.8 million euros to Lebenshilfe Reichenbach (Vogtlandkreis) for the construction of a new workshop. The official funding decision was handed over on Monday, according to the State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion. The new building is i ..
Saxony's Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping is calling for the establishment of an 'Asylum Steering Committee' to deal with the rising numbers of refugees.