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Skills shortage in nursing care for the elderly and sick in Saxony

In outpatient and inpatient care alone, there will be a need for at least 5,000 more nursing staff in Saxony by 2035. (Archive image) / Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa
In outpatient and inpatient care alone, there will be a need for at least 5,000 more nursing staff in Saxony by 2035. (Archive image) / Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa

The people of Saxony are getting older and older, and the need for care is increasing. An already acute shortage of nursing staff will worsen in the future. The Minister of Social Affairs sees one solution in particular.

In the opinion of Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD), care for the elderly and sick in Saxony will not be possible in the future without skilled foreign workers. "In the foreseeable future, it will only be possible to provide nursing care for people in Saxony with the support of foreign nursing staff. We urgently need them," Köpping told the German Press Agency. In outpatient and inpatient care alone, there will be an additional need for at least 5,000 nursing staff by 2035 compared to 2021.

Saxony's hospitals and care facilities are already struggling with acute staff shortages. This is likely to worsen as Saxony's population is getting older - one in four people are already over 65. "In the coming years, the proportion of people over 65 will continue to rise. We are getting older and older," said the Minister. This will exacerbate the shortage of skilled workers - especially in the field of medical care and nursing.

Bundle of measures needed

According to figures from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, more than 74,000 people work in care facilities in Saxony. "A whole package of measures is needed to counter the staff shortage," said a ministry spokesperson. These include fair pay, which has already been largely achieved with the implementation of collective wage agreements since September 2022. A better work-life balance is also a concern for many nursing staff: "Employers are particularly called upon here."

According to the ministry, the state supports nursing training, for example through an advice center. Among other things, this is intended to counteract drop-outs from training. An image campaign for social professions should also help to get people interested in nursing. Digitalization is also an important pillar for increasing the attractiveness of the profession.

Welcome centers and pilot projects

More and more districts and independent cities in Saxony are offering a targeted service for the skilled workers they need. In Zittau, for example, the tenth so-called Welcome Center in the Free State opened in August. According to the Saxon Center for Securing Skilled Workers and Good Work (ZEFAS), such facilities are important contact points for professional integration for both newcomers and employers.

A pilot project to train international nursing staff was launched this spring at the municipal hospital in Görlitz. According to the hospital, it already employs people from 27 nations. According to the ministry, the recognition of foreign qualifications is also a challenge for skilled workers from abroad. Among other things, a project is underway at the TU Dresden to help nurses from abroad to overcome possible deficits in their training.

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