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Saxony's Left Party presents plan to combat loneliness

The Left Party presents a five-point plan with measures to combat loneliness. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa
The Left Party presents a five-point plan with measures to combat loneliness. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa

Socializing keeps you fit. Loneliness, on the other hand, can make you ill. This is also a problem for many people in Saxony. The Left Party sees this as an important task for politicians.

The Left Party in Saxony has presented a plan to combat loneliness. "Societies with good social cohesion are friendlier, more peaceful, more productive and more open to innovation. It is an important political task to make offers so that no one who doesn't want to be lonely has to be," said the party, explaining its concerns. This would benefit older people in particular, but loneliness is also a problem in younger age groups.

"Not so long ago, loneliness was less of a problem than it is today. But the last few decades have increased it, especially in eastern Germany, particularly for older people," party leader Susanne Schaper told the German Press Agency. "Those who had or have problems earning a living are less likely to start a family. If you don't have children, you won't have grandchildren in old age." Many families with children were separated when the offspring had to move to the big city or to the West for work.

Left: Socializing today is often a question of money

"While it used to be common to meet frequently in the pub or other social places, this is now mainly a question of money and the distances are getting longer," Schaper emphasized. Unfortunately, today it is often the case that socializing costs money. Social contacts require much more effort, which many people find difficult to manage, especially in old age. Digital media is no substitute for personal encounters. "Loneliness is incidentally one of the reasons why the suicide rate in Saxony is very high compared to the rest of Germany."

According to statistics, one fifth of the population lives alone nationwide, in Saxony this applies to 940,000 people. In 1996, the State Statistical Office in Kamenz put the figure at 650,000. Experts expect the number of single households to continue to grow. The Left Party referred to a survey conducted last year by Deutsche Depressionshilfe, according to which around half of the population feels somewhat lonely and another quarter very lonely.

Social cohesion requires places of encounter

The conclusion of the Left Party: "We do not want to accept this. Our country deserves a state government that wants to solve the problem and strengthen cohesion, in close cooperation with civil society." The first measure they propose is to create more meeting places. Social cohesion requires infrastructure and places where people can come together - such as youth clubs, parks, cultural centers, neighborhood centers, libraries, museums, playgrounds, sitting areas or sports facilities.

It is unrealistic to assume that municipalities and federal states can maintain all of this, they said. However, they should support voluntary work. Municipalities need solid funding. Supporting associations opens up ways for many people to escape loneliness. As people with low incomes are particularly affected, all public meeting places should be free or discounted for them.

Leftists recommend "chatting benches" in municipalities

The Leftists also recommend the Thuringian state program "Agathe - getting older in community" as a model. Among other things, it includes the training of specialists as contact persons for people living alone. Saxony should also encourage local authorities to set up "chatting benches". "People who use them are signaling their desire to exchange ideas and get into conversation with people they don't know - regardless of age. This can lead to acquaintances and friendships."

The Left also proposes a department in the Ministry of Social Affairs that specializes in this topic or a "sociability officer". This person could lead the dialog with municipalities and coordinate offers. "Lonely or isolated people should know and find contact points, no matter how old they are."

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