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Saxony's CDU wants to examine minority government with SPD

The exploratory talks between the CDU, BSW and SPD came to an abrupt end last week / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The exploratory talks between the CDU, BSW and SPD came to an abrupt end last week / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

After the end of exploratory talks between the CDU, BSW and SPD, a minority government looks likely in Saxony. The CDU now wants to consult with the Social Democrats.

The CDU in Saxony wants to discuss a minority government with the SPD in the coming week. This was announced by the party's Secretary General, Tom Unger, after a meeting of the state executive committee, as the party announced on the "X" platform. "We were elected to serve Saxony. We are committed to this mandate from voters," said Unger. Stability remains the priority.

The CDU state parliamentary group and the state executive board plan to meet again on Thursday, according to the statement.

Sounding for "blackberry coalition" failed

On Wednesday, the exploratory talks for a governing coalition between the CDU, BSW and SPD had failed. The BSW announced that the talks had broken off without result after no agreement was reached on the peace formula, migration policy and finances.

Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) blamed BSW federal chairwoman Sahra Wagenknecht for the failure. As the CDU has ruled out coalitions with the AfD and the Left, a minority government now remains the most likely option.

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