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Saxony's Greens want to maintain their course and advocate modernization

Marie Müser, Chairwoman of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in Saxony / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Marie Müser, Chairwoman of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in Saxony / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Regardless of the mood in the state, the Greens in Saxony want to maintain their course and advocate the modernization of the Free State.

Saxony's Greens want to maintain their course regardless of the mood in the state and continue to advocate for the modernization of the Free State. They will not "waver", party chairwoman Marie Müser made clear on Tuesday in Dresden and admitted that there is currently an "extreme headwind" against her party. With the Greens, decisive progress had been made in Saxony. This is also perceived as such by the membership. It is important to keep moving and not allow things to stand still. Stable democratic majorities are also needed. It is about spreading courage, confidence and determination.

Under the motto "Green remains program", the Alliance Greens want to discuss the program for the state elections on 1 September in Neukieritzsch near Leipzig on Friday and Saturday and adopt it accordingly. The program is divided into four chapters. Under the heading "Enabling sustainable living", the ideas for safeguarding the natural foundations of life are included.

A new climate protection law is to define goals for the coming years. Energy must remain affordable and the speed at which renewable energies are expanded must be accelerated, it said. The Greens are aiming for an orderly coal phase-out well before 2038. Photovoltaics should be used more, with the public sector leading the way. In addition, Saxony is to be transformed from a laggard to a pioneer in wind power.

In terms of the economy, the Greens want to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the integration of refugees, among other things. The Saxon debt brake is a brake on innovation and a "location risk for Saxony", said Müser. "We urgently need to tackle the debt brake."

Müser also commented on repeated verbal attacks by CDU state leader and Minister President Michael Kretschmer against her party. He had repeatedly emphasized that he would prefer to continue governing without the Greens. The party leader emphasized that it was not responsible to exclude democratic partners. All democratic parties must show responsibility.

The state list of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen is to be drawn up at a party conference in Chemnitz in mid-March. In the 2019 state elections, the party received 8.6 percent of the vote in Saxony. Current polls currently put them at seven percent. According to the party, it currently has 3,600 members.

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