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Barmer wants more video consultations with doctors

Barmer Krankenkasse is in favor of expanding video consultations with doctors. (Photo illustration) / Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Barmer Krankenkasse is in favor of expanding video consultations with doctors. (Photo illustration) / Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

During the coronavirus pandemic, there was sometimes no alternative to video consultations with doctors. Barmer Krankenkasse would like to lift the current restrictions on this service.

The Barmer health insurance company in Saxony still sees room for improvement in digitalization and is calling for more video consultations with doctors. At the moment, only 30 percent of services in surgeries can be provided via video consultation, according to Barmer. The law passed in March to accelerate the digitalization of the healthcare system would remove this limit. "However, it would really make sense if it were removed in the near future. After all, video consultations have the potential to improve our healthcare system," explained Barmer Regional Managing Director Monika Welfens.

Patients in rural areas in particular could receive better care via video consultations and avoid long journeys. "This would benefit everyone who is not mobile. And during a wave of infection, people would not infect each other in the surgeries," said the head of the state.

According to Barmer, doctors and psychotherapists billed almost 6,400 online treatments to Barmer last year. In the previous year, the number had fallen significantly to 5,200 online treatments and was even below the level of the first year of coronavirus in 2020 (5,500). In 2021 - at the height of the coronavirus pandemic - the highest figure to date was reached with around 6,500 billed consultation hours via video.

"During the coronavirus pandemic, video consultations have proven their worth as an alternative to visits to the practice. After a significant drop in 2022, those medical practices that have already gained experience with digital consultations now seem to be establishing them permanently. This is a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of room for improvement here in Saxony," emphasized Welfens.

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