Habeck: AfD is an "alternative for deindustrialization"
Shortly before the state elections in Saxony, Federal Minister Habeck sharply criticizes the AfD - and warns of major damage to the economy should the AfD ever gain government responsibility.
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Shortly before the state elections in Saxony, Federal Minister Habeck sharply criticizes the AfD - and warns of major damage to the economy should the AfD ever gain government responsibility.
Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck calls for solidarity in the face of frequent attacks on politicians. Attacks are an expression of the brutalization of political debate.
Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) is optimistic that an agreement can still be reached in the coalition dispute over the EU Supply Chain Act.
Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck expresses concern about the state of the German economy and calls for more investment and economic growth.
Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection Robert Habeck meets the Lausitzrunde, a municipal alliance, to discuss the current status of the transformation in Lausitz. The article analyzes the progress, the financial support from the federal government and the ongoing challenges such as the shortage of skilled workers.
The hydrogen economy in Germany is being expanded with further investments. The company Sunfire GmbH plans to invest a good 255 million euros at its Dresden site and will receive 162 million euros in funding from the state. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and Saxony's Economics Min ..
With an investment of 4 billion euros, Germany is strengthening its semiconductor industry, with Silicon Saxony playing a key role.