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Career start in the Saxon tax administration

Numerous young people have started work in Saxony's tax administration. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Numerous young people have started work in Saxony's tax administration. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxony's tax offices also constantly need skilled workers. The next generation of tax administrators is trained in their own state.

184 young people have started their careers in the Saxon tax administration. "They have chosen a responsible and important job," said Finance Minister Hartmut Vorjohann (CDU) at a ceremony in Dresden. There, they were officially inducted into the service and took their oath of office.

"I am delighted that you have chosen to join the civil service and I am convinced that you will enrich our administration with fresh ideas and energy," said the minister.

Study or training as tax administrators

100 of the candidates will complete a two-year theoretical training course and 84 will study, according to the ministry, each with practical phases at a tax office. After successful completion, they would then have a "wide range of employment opportunities" in the tax administration. The 24 tax offices across the country have a total of around 6,800 employees.

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