Saxony participates in 31 companies
Saxony as an entrepreneur: The Free State has a stake of almost 600 million euros in the companies. This is intended to promote the common good.
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Saxony as an entrepreneur: The Free State has a stake of almost 600 million euros in the companies. This is intended to promote the common good.
Following the scandal between US President Trump and Ukrainian head of state Selensky, the exploratory talks in Berlin are also under increased time pressure. They continue in the afternoon.
There are clear differences in donations across Germany. This applies to the amount of donations as well as the trend from year to year. New figures are now available.
Taking instead of giving: The federal financial equalization system is based on the principle of solidarity. Financially strong federal states pay into the pot from which weaker states help themselves. Bavaria is complaining about this.
Little was built in 2023 due to inflation and high interest rates. After the slump, things are now slowly picking up again.
The German Association of Cities is sounding the alarm about the financial difficulties facing local authorities. Leipzig's Lord Mayor calls for "fair cooperation" with the federal and state governments.
Revenue from traffic fines has been rising since the catalog of fines was tightened. Speeding and red light offenders also generated record revenue in 2024.
Hospitals receive money from health insurance companies for the treatment of patients. The sum is higher this year than in 2024.
Out-of-control social spending, empty coffers, investment backlog: German cities are crying out for help ahead of the Bundestag elections.
The economy is weakening and tax revenues are not rising as expected. Now Saxony's new Finance Minister Christian Piwarz wants to look at spending - and save money.
E-mobility is booming worldwide - but not in Germany. In Saxony, too, the number of electric car registrations fell significantly last year. A missed opportunity, according to experts.
It takes an average of 51 days to process tax assessments in Saxony. There are considerable regional differences.
The job cuts at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airports will be greater than expected. According to the information provided, the main areas affected are administration and management.
A house that only slightly exceeds the legally permitted living space can be counted as an asset for recipients of citizen's allowance. This was decided by the Saxon State Social Court.
Trade unions and employers are concerned about the strained municipal financial situation. To counteract the problem, Verdi is relying on an unusual alliance - but its success is uncertain.
As a result of its annual audit, the State Court of Audit publicizes problems in state and municipal financial administration. In addition to the annual report, the institution also makes statements.
Men from North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland receive the highest old-age pensions in a nationwide comparison. Saxony's men are below the average, but its women are above it.
The construction industry in Saxony recorded a significant drop in turnover in the first half of the year. Much less was built.
Contrary to predictions, the number of over-indebted people in Germany is falling. The experts at Creditreform see a serious reason for this.
The EU is planning a reform in the allocation of funding. The money is only to go to the federal states and no longer to individual regions. In Saxony, people are worried about funding.
Sharp rent increases in Saxony are no longer limited to the metropolitan areas of Dresden and Leipzig. According to the Left Party, consideration must also be given to building social housing in the surrounding areas.
Taxes must be paid on inheritances and gifts that exceed the tax-free amount. Last year, 12 million euros more was due than in 2022.
The city of Dresden experienced its blue miracle with a traffic experiment. An experiment that cost a lot of money failed on the bridge of the same name. A case for the taxpayers' association's black book
Childcare, energy transition, migration - local authorities have to deal with many tasks at the same time. East German city leaders are calling for more support - and criticizing the federal government.
Saxony's tax offices also constantly need skilled workers. The next generation of tax administrators is trained in their own state.
In order to transmit electricity from wind and solar power, the electricity grids need to be renewed and expanded. Up to now, it has mainly been the local people who have paid for this. But that is set to change.
Following the DHL deal, Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG has now also secured its financial stability - at least until the end of 2026, after which new growth strategies are to be pursued.
Those who receive citizen's allowance receive additional support with rent and heating. However, this is often not enough, especially for families and in Saxony's large cities.
Almost 13,500 fewer people are expected to have lived in Leipzig in 2022 than previously assumed - according to the results of the census. Many cities in Saxony are in a similar situation.
Refugee costs, citizens' income and the Germany ticket are currently placing an enormous burden on state and municipal budgets. These are tasks that arise from federal laws.
Civil society organizations are pushing for a change of course regarding the follow-up costs of lignite. They fear that taxpayers could be faced with billions in clean-up costs.
Should Saxony go into debt to clear the investment backlog? The CDU is adamant about the debt brake and refers to the constitution. Other parties are calling for the rules to be relaxed.
Saxony has doubled its funding for the exchange program with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in order to strengthen bilateral relations and intensify cooperation.
The Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG (MFAG) is in considerable financial difficulties. According to a report by the auditing company KPMG, MFAG, which operates Leipzig/Halle and Dresden airports, needs 145 million euros, as a spokesperson said on Tuesday in response to an inquiry. A restructuring and tra ..
Saxony's Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) considers the failure of the talks on municipal finances to date to be fatal and warns of serious consequences.
Tourism and spa association in Saxony calls for financial support for spas and resorts to secure their future
The Saxon SPD criticizes the Ministry of Finance for planned spending cuts in the areas of education and social affairs.
A new center for construction research is being built in the Lusatian mining district with 5.7 million euros in funding.
The Gewandhaus in Leipzig is facing major challenges. At some point, income will no longer be able to cover everything. A foundation is to provide a remedy.
The Gewandhaus in Leipzig is facing major challenges. At some point, income will no longer be able to cover everything. A foundation is to provide a remedy.
The Saxon State Court of Audit has officially moved into its new building in Döbeln, surrounded by a bee-friendly flower meadow.
Enormous cost increases and an increasing number of tasks are putting a strain on municipal budgets in Saxony. After two aid packages in the past, the Free State is once again called upon to take action.
Rural areas in Saxony are to be supported with funding programs again this year. Saxony's Regional Development Minister Thomas Schmidt (CDU) announced on Thursday during a visit to the municipality of Mülsen in the district of Zwickau that €15 million and €3.5 million respectively would be available ..
Asylum seekers in the Vogtland district will receive payment cards instead of cash from April to prevent misuse. District office orders 800 cards.
From April, asylum seekers in the Vogtland district will receive a payment card instead of cash. As the district administration office in Plauen announced on Wednesday, this is intended to counter possible misuse and the outflow of money to the countries of origin. In future, each asylum seeker will ..
The solar manufacturer Meyer Burger has sealed the final end for its site in Freiberg, with more than 400 employees losing their jobs.
CDU parliamentary group sees fourth-highest staffing ratio in Germany and plans to reduce staff.
Last year, Thuringia inherited almost 4.1 million euros from people without relatives or who had left an inheritance. The number of cases reached an all-time high.
The insurance group Allianz wants its shareholders to participate more strongly in the development of its business. The regular distribution of the net profit for the year attributable to shareholders and adjusted for various elements is to be increased from 50 to 60 percent. In addition, Allianz is ..
The accommodation tax for guests of Berlin hotels will also apply to business travelers from 1 April. The House of Representatives passed a corresponding amendment to the law by a large majority on Thursday.The tax was introduced in 2014 for private overnight stays in order to make travelers contrib ..
The red-black-green coalition in Brandenburg defends the planned increase of more than 220 million euros in the supplementary budget. Finance Minister Katrin Lange (SPD) emphasizes the financial viability despite criticism from the opposition.
Due to the war in Ukraine, the federal government reduced VAT on natural gas from 19% to 7%. The law expires at the end of March. This brings changes for consumers.
The department store chain Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof files for insolvency for the third time. Once again, employees have to fear for their jobs. But an end would also be a loss for the city center.
In 2023, the East German federal states raised around 2.68 billion euros for supplementary and special pensions from the GDR.
The head of the Saxon government, Michael Kretschmer (CDU), believes that the agreement reached by the "traffic light" coalition on the 2024 federal budget is inadequate. "You get the budget together, but everything becomes more expensive. This does not create a positive spin, nothing that leads to ..
The East German Left Party parliamentary group leaders warn of social cuts and investment cuts due to the budget crisis.
In its 2023 annual report, the Saxon Court of Audit criticized the handling of taxpayers' money in several cases and identified control deficiencies. At the same time, parts of the financial policy and the increase in the number of state employees were criticized. In a special report, the auditors g ..
The Saxon Court of Audit urges sound economic management even in times of financial uncertainty. President Jens Michel sees the latest ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court as a signpost: "The ruling is not only groundbreaking for the federal government, but also for the federal states when it ..
A funding dispute between the federal government and the states of Saxony and Thuringia regarding the costs of cleaning up environmental damage caused by former GDR state-owned companies remains unresolved at the Federal Constitutional Court. The highest German court rejected applications by the two ..
Saxony's Energy Minister Wolfram Günther has called for swift certainty for planned and eligible projects following the budget ruling. "In Saxony, we are talking about the chip industry, the solar industry and large hydrogen projects, among others," said the Green politician on Monday after consulta ..
The financial resources for structural development in Lusatia are secured, despite the federal budget crisis. Funding remains unaffected and is legally secured by the Coal Phase-out Act.
The municipalities in Lusatia are concerned about the precautionary blocking of financial commitments by the federal government, as this could lead to delays in projects.
The Bundestag's budget committee has cleared the way for an investment of millions in Lusatia. The federal construction research center 'LAB - Living Art of Building' will receive a total of 68.6 million euros.
How long can a private towing service collect demurrage charges for a car that has been removed and can these charges run into the thousands? The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) is set to announce a ruling on this on Friday (9.00 am) in Karlsruhe.It concerns a case from Saxony in which the towing com ..
Saxony has paid out 1.56 billion euros to companies during the coronavirus crisis. Claims amounting to EUR 7 million are still outstanding.
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has called for a cross-party solution to the problems of the federal states and municipalities on the subject of migration, but has expressed skepticism about the proposals of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's (SPD) "traffic light" coalition. "The horizon of exp ..
About 423,000 appeals have been lodged against the new property tax assessments in Saxony so far. This was reported by the "Sächsische Zeitung" and the "Freie Presse" on Monday. The spokesman for the Ministry of Finance, Roland Herold, said that there were various reasons why owners did not accept t ..
The agricultural committee of the Saxon state parliament wants to deal with the breakdown around the delayed disbursement of EU funds on Wednesday at a special meeting. The meeting of the Committee for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture will be held in the morning under the titl ..
Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has again called for a "critical stocktaking" of benefits for asylum seekers. Citizens rightly expect us to return to management and control. In fact, however, he said, the key issue for people is not whether the federal government or the states provide funding, but that the numbers are reduced overall.
In mid-November, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) will decide how much money a car owner has to pay for the safekeeping of a privately towed vehicle.
Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer wants to accept the "Germany Pact" announced by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on Wednesday and "test it for seriousness." "So far, the traffic light wanted to push through its agenda from Berlin without regard to the situation on the ground," the CDU politic ..
In a world that is increasingly shaped by technology and digitization, the question arises as to whether artificial intelligence (AI) might be able to replace human coaches. But what would have to happen for AI to coach better? And what impact would this have on coaches, clients, and society as a wh ..