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Leipzig considers validation of reporting data based on the Halle model

The 2022 census assumes a population of around 599,000 for Leipzig - 13,500 fewer than previously assumed. (Archive image) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
The 2022 census assumes a population of around 599,000 for Leipzig - 13,500 fewer than previously assumed. (Archive image) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Almost 13,500 fewer people are expected to have lived in Leipzig in 2022 than previously assumed - according to the results of the census. Many cities in Saxony are in a similar situation.

Following the announcement from Halle (Saale) that it intends to check the results of the 2022 census using its own survey, Leipzig is open to a similar approach. The city of Leipzig assumes that the data from the population register is reliable, according to the General Administration Department. "An accompanying validation of the registration data, as in Halle, is an interesting option that is currently being examined with an open mind."

The city of Halle announced on Monday that it wanted to carry out its own survey. To this end, all persons registered in the population register are to be contacted by letter. The undeliverable letters and their verification will be used to determine the exact number of residents. According to the statistical calculation of the 2022 census, only 226,586 people still live in Halle, but 243,453 people are registered in the population register.

Deviations led to "confusion"

Many cities and municipalities in Saxony have also recorded declines - a total of 42,000 fewer inhabitants. "The deviations have led to some irritation in the cities concerned," announced the Saxon Association of Towns and Municipalities.

The population figure for Leipzig was corrected downwards particularly significantly. Instead of around 612,400 as previously assumed, only around 599,000 people lived there as of May 15, 2022 according to the census - the largest decline in absolute figures in Saxony.

Chemnitz is behind with around 240,000 instead of around 246,400 inhabitants. A spokesperson for the city said that the newly determined population figures would initially only be noted. The results for the individual procedural steps used by the Federal Statistical Office to determine this figure are not yet available to the city of Chemnitz, so it is not clear how it is justified and should be evaluated.

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