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Allianz increases shareholders' profit share

A sign with the inscription "Allianz" can be seen at one of the insurance company's locations. / Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa
A sign with the inscription "Allianz" can be seen at one of the insurance company's locations. / Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa

The insurance group Allianz wants its shareholders to participate more strongly in the development of its business. The regular distribution of the net profit for the year attributable to shareholders and adjusted for various elements is to be increased from 50 to 60 percent. In addition, Allianz is aiming for a dividend at least at the previous year's level, as the company announced on Thursday evening.

For the 2023 financial year, the dividend is to be increased from 11.40 euros in the previous year to 13.80 euros per share. Analysts had previously expected a good 12 euros per share.

The insurer also announced the buyback of its own shares. The shares with a volume of up to one billion euros are to be acquired from the beginning of March until December 31, 2024. They will then be redeemed.

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