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Shrub berry harvest in Saxony significantly higher again

A farmer stands in a field of aronia berries on a harvest trailer and sorts harvested aronia berries. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
A farmer stands in a field of aronia berries on a harvest trailer and sorts harvested aronia berries. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

After the harvest collapsed by 70 percent in the drought year 2022, there were significantly more bush berries in Saxony last year - despite the drought in early summer and sales difficulties.

The bush berry harvest in Saxony was significantly better in 2023 after a slump in the previous year. The 39 farms in the state harvested 736 tons of bush berries, as the State Statistical Office announced on Tuesday. In the drought year of 2022, the figure was only 417 tons - around 70 percent less than in 2021. However, the early summer drought also led to yield losses last year, according to the statement, and in some cases the harvest was not complete due to sales difficulties.

Around 65 percent of the almost 362 hectares of cultivated land across Saxony are located in the district of Meißen. The most important type of bush berry in Saxony was the chokeberry (394 tons on 153 hectares), followed by currants (121 tons on 131 hectares) and cultivated blueberries (69 tons on 29 hectares).

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