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Initial data on the census: population declining

The Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony / Photo: Daniel Schäfer/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
The Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony / Photo: Daniel Schäfer/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Saxony has slightly fewer people than expected. According to the initial results of the 2022 census, there were around 4.038 million inhabitants as of May 15, 2022, as announced by the State Statistical Office in Kamenz on Tuesday. The so-called population update based on the 2011 census had previously assumed a population of 4.080 million in Saxony. The actual figure is 1.03 percent less. However, the change is below the calculated value for Germany (-1.6 percent).

The average age of the Saxon population was 46.4 years on the reporting date. Around one in five people were under the age of 18, just under 60 percent of the population were in the 18 to 66 age group and around a quarter had already reached retirement age (67 and over). There were 1.981 million men compared to 2.057 million women. The proportion of foreigners was 6.3 percent.

In addition to data on the population, the census also provides information on the building and housing stock as well as on households, employment and education.

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