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Rotten branches - closures in Dresden's Great Garden

Paths in Dresden's Grosser Garten are closed due to tree maintenance. (Archive image) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Paths in Dresden's Grosser Garten are closed due to tree maintenance. (Archive image) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The Great Garden is Dresden's green lung. Some of the large avenues and paths are lined with ancient trees that are defying climate change - and are being cleared of natural deadwood.

Some areas of Dresden's Grosser Garten are currently closed due to the risk of falling branches. In the course of urgently needed tree maintenance work, the park administration is asking people to respect the boundaries, to leave the trees standing and not to walk across meadows. According to the announcement, dead wood has been removed from healthy trees since Monday, meaning that three areas will not be accessible for a longer period of time. In the coming weeks, further areas with high visitor numbers will be added on a daily basis, where there is currently no road safety. "Dead branches in the crown area are threatening to break off and fall down."

According to the palace administration, deadwood occurs on healthy trees as a result of natural ageing. The effects of climate change, such as drought, intensify the dieback. Two teams of gardeners are gradually removing deadwood using cherry pickers, and external tree care companies have been called in to help. The cut branches are chopped up and used for new plantings to reduce evaporation.

Great garden is over three centuries old

The park, which was laid out in the 17th century and has been redesigned several times since then, is around 1.8 square kilometers in size and is filled with sculptures. In the middle is a baroque palace with a water feature. The area in the city center also includes the zoo and a botanical garden.

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