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Forest fire danger increases in Saxony

A sign with the inscription "Protect the forest from fire danger" hangs in a forest on a forest path / Photo: Stefan Sauer/dpa/Symbolic image
A sign with the inscription "Protect the forest from fire danger" hangs in a forest on a forest path / Photo: Stefan Sauer/dpa/Symbolic image

The risk of forest fires has increased throughout Saxony compared to the weekend. There is a medium risk in large parts of the state, but two areas are in the high risk zone.

The risk of forest fires in Saxony is increasing. Compared to the weekend, the danger levels have increased in all parts of the Free State, according to an overview published by the state-owned company Sachsenforst on Wednesday. The current highest risk, level 4 out of 5, is in the forests of the Dresden city area and the Dresden Heath as well as in the central part of the district of Bautzen.

Saxonyforst sees a medium risk for large parts of the state, with a low risk in the south of the district of Görlitz. The situation was much more relaxed on Sunday: There was only a low to very low risk of forest fires throughout the Free State.

In the first five months of this year, 47 forest fires were reported in the Free State. According to Sachsenforst, the weather conditions in April in particular ensured that the current number is higher than in 2023, when 26 forest fires were reported.

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