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Two women slightly injured in rear-end collision in Plauen

An ambulance on the road. / Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa/Symbolic image
An ambulance on the road. / Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa/Symbolic image

Two women were slightly injured in a rear-end collision in Plauen when a driver rear-ended a car in front of her.

Two women were slightly injured in a rear-end collision in Plauen. On Monday afternoon, a 35-year-old female driver rear-ended the car of a 20-year-old woman in front of her, probably due to carelessness, police reported on Tuesday morning. According to the information, both suffered minor injuries and were treated as outpatients in hospital. The accident on Hammerstraße in the Hammertorvorstadt district resulted in property damage of 13,000 euros.

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