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Railroad starts construction section between Leipzig and Dresden

Tracks are laid in the ballast bed at a railroad station / Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa/Symbolic image
Tracks are laid in the ballast bed at a railroad station / Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa/Symbolic image

Deutsche Bahn will soon be starting work on another section of the Leipzig-Dresden upgraded line. Preparatory work for the construction of the second new track in the Zeithain-Leckwitz section will begin on Friday (January 12), as the company announced on Monday. As a result, some long-distance trains will be rerouted until January 19, while regional services between Leipzig and Dresden will be 15 minutes longer. The work should be completed by summer 2025.

The Zeithain-Leckwitz section is part of the 117-kilometre Leipzig-Dresden upgrade line. Deutsche Bahn will equip the section of line with modern interlocking technology by the end of 2027. Trains should be able to travel at speeds of 200 km/h in future. This should reduce the journey time between Leipzig and Dresden from currently more than 90 minutes to well under an hour.

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