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Drunk cyclist stopped twice by police

A drunk cyclist has been caught by the police twice in one night. (Photo: Illustration) / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa
A drunk cyclist has been caught by the police twice in one night. (Photo: Illustration) / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa

A police check did not stop a cyclist from getting back on his bike a short time later. He had to hand in his bike for the time being.

A drunk cyclist has been stopped twice in one night by the police in Wilkau-Haßlau in the district of Zwickau. The 36-year-old was stopped for the first time on Friday evening at around 10.15 pm, the police said. The officers had become aware of him because of his "conspicuous driving style". An alcohol test showed more than 2.3 per mille.

In the early morning, the man was on his bike again. This time, the breath alcohol measurement showed a good 1.8 per mille. The 36-year-old's bike was seized.

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