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Saxon Union presents economic strategy for 2035

Guests sit in an exhibition hall before the start of the CDU regional conference / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Guests sit in an exhibition hall before the start of the CDU regional conference / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

CDU Saxony presents ten points to strengthen the economy and make the location fit for the future

The Saxon Union wants to make Saxony fit for the future and strengthen the state's economy as the backbone of its development. On Tuesday, the state association presented an economic strategy for the period up to 2035. The paper has the motto "Appreciation instead of value creation" and includes ten points on areas such as energy policy, securing skilled workers, education and greater internationalization of companies.

Economic policy must once again have top priority, said CDU Secretary General Alexander Dierks: "Unfortunately, we are missing this priority on the part of the federal government." Germany has the weakest economic data of all industrialized nations. If Germany only grew at the average rate of industrialized countries, it would have additional tax revenues of around 20 billion euros. This makes the relevance of economic policy clear. It is not irrelevant who makes economic policy in the country, not everyone can do it.

According to Dierks, the aim is to make Germany competitive in the long term. Energy policy is also crucial for this. Companies need more relief. "We are seeing how Germany not only meets European standards, but goes one better." More freedom is needed again. In general, the CDU is concerned with strengthening entrepreneurship.

Member of the Bundestag Markus Reichel - co-author of the strategy - called for regulations to make work more attractive. "Without value creation, everything is nothing in the end." Economic policy is a cross-cutting issue and must be coordinated by politicians. The strategy presented - drawn up by the CDU's State Committee for Economy & Innovation - is a "living document" and must be constantly adapted. Economic policy is a discussion process and a state of mind. Those who have better ideas can contribute them.

According to Nora Seitz, state chairwoman of the CDU's SME and business association, it must also be about conveying more joy in work again. It must become clear that "work is fun and can be a vocation". In order to increase the joy of work, the aim is to free employees and employers from "absurd bureaucracy".

CDU state parliament candidate Kristian Kirpal pointed out that the Saxon labour market will be short of around 300,000 workers by 2030, and even 520,000 by 2035. "With 300,000 workers and gross earnings of 45,000 euros per year, this means an economic power of 13 billion euros that will be lost to the Free State." We need to react to this.

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