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Sächsische Grundstücksauktionen AG auctions off former church and other properties

A church from Hettstedt also goes under the hammer at the Saxon property auction. Photo illustration / Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
A church from Hettstedt also goes under the hammer at the Saxon property auction. Photo illustration / Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The neo-Gothic church of St. Maria in Hettstedt is advertised as a highlight at auction. A total of 112 properties on offer, including a patrician house in Gotha and half-timbered houses from eastern Saxony.

Sächsische Grundstücksauktionen AG will soon be auctioning off a former place of worship. The neo-Gothic church of St. Maria in Hettstedt in Saxony-Anhalt will be the highlight of the auctions on August 30 in Leipzig and September 3 in Dresden. The listed church from the last decade of the 19th century is up for grabs together with the former parish and is being called for 149,000 euros.

A total of 112 properties are on offer. In addition to 54 properties from Saxony, there are 34 from Thuringia, 20 from Saxony-Anhalt, two from Brandenburg and one each from Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. In Gotha, this concerns a former patrician house known as the "House with the Two Helmets". It was built around 1542 and is located on the main market square. The auction starts here at 595,000 euros. Three of the so-called Umgebinde houses from eastern Saxony are also up for auction. The minimum bids are between 5,000 and 29,000 euros.

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