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Ten-year-old cyclist hit by car

A blue light shines under the windshield of a police vehicle / Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa/Symbolic image
A blue light shines under the windshield of a police vehicle / Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa/Symbolic image

A 10-year-old cyclist was hit and slightly injured by a car when a 41-year-old driver turned into a driveway.

A ten-year-old cyclist has been hit by a car and slightly injured. On Tuesday afternoon, a 41-year-old man turned into a driveway with his car and hit the child, who was riding his bike on the sidewalk, police said on Wednesday morning. The boy was taken to hospital for outpatient treatment with minor injuries. The property damage caused by the accident in Schulstraße is estimated at a total of 1050 euros.

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