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Over half a million pupils in Saxony start the winter vacations

A fourth-grader writes the word "report cards" on a blackboard in an elementary school classroom / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild
A fourth-grader writes the word "report cards" on a blackboard in an elementary school classroom / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

More than 520,000 pupils in Saxony begin their two-week winter vacation at the end of the week and receive their half-year reports on February 9.

More than half a million pupils in Saxony start their two-week winter vacation at the end of the week. They will receive their half-year reports on February 9, as announced by the Ministry of Education on Monday. "Now is the time to recharge your batteries so that you can really get going again in the second half of the school year," said Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU). Of the 520,350 pupils in total, 153,550 are at elementary school, 19,900 at special schools, 122,000 at secondary schools and 111,000 at grammar schools.

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