Leipzig teachers remain silent in protest against planned extra hours
Teachers in Leipzig protest in silence against extra hours. Part of the GEW campaign criticizing ministerial plans.
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Teachers in Leipzig protest in silence against extra hours. Part of the GEW campaign criticizing ministerial plans.
No more bad grades: the dream of many pupils is becoming reality in a school trial in Saxony. However, there are no more A's for good performance.
Economic researchers wanted to know how German citizens rate the performance of their schools. Only a few federal states rate their educational institutions better than Saxony.
For first-graders in particular, the journey to school often poses a safety risk. This is also shown by a large-scale control campaign at the start of school. Many vehicles are traveling too fast.
The Pegasus heritage preservation program promotes interest in cultural heritage in schools. With state funding, contemporary testimonies are researched - and the unknown is also discovered.
Eastern Saxony is one of the regions particularly affected by the shortage of teachers. Lusatian schools are now testing a completely new model to ease the situation - with success.
The Free State of Bavaria has been cooperating with the Israeli memorial for years. On site, teachers can prepare for lessons on the Holocaust and how to deal with anti-Semitism.
Minister of Education Piwarz takes stock of all-day care in Saxony and emphasizes the good starting position for the future.
This year, 402 young people in Saxony passed their Abitur or Fachhochschulreife with a dream grade of 1.0. Minister Piwarz and Minister President Kretschmer congratulated them.
Pupils in Saxony start their summer vacation and receive their school reports. Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs provides information on graduation figures and report hotline.
Autobahn GmbH announces measures to avoid traffic jams before the summer vacation in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.
The Dresden University School is a school experiment. The city and TU are testing a unique concept, without a vacation dogma and break bell - but with more flexibility and freedom.
Geschwister-Scholl-Grundschule has made it to the final of the German School Award. The winner of the main prize will be decided in October.
Geschwister-Scholl-Grundschule has made it to the final of the German School Award. The winner of the main prize will be decided in October.
The school management of Geschwister-Scholl-Grundschule in Leipzig is proud to have made it to the final round of the German School Award 2024.
In Saxony, the schools with the most beautiful school gardens have been chosen and rewarded with prize money. As the Saxon State Ministry of Culture announced in a press release on Friday, the state winners, the Cossebaude secondary school in Dresden and the International Grammar School in Meerane, ..
The "Right to School for All" alliance criticizes the lack of school places for children from refugee families in Saxon schools and points out the serious consequences.
30 elementary school and 30 secondary schools in Saxony benefit from the Startchancen program for better educational opportunities.
From the coming school year, 30 elementary school and 30 secondary schools in Saxony are to benefit from the so-called Startchancenprogramm. "The federal and state government's Starting Opportunities Program is intended to give children and young people better educational opportunities regardless of ..
From the coming school year, 30 elementary school and 30 secondary schools in Saxony are to benefit from the so-called Startchancenprogramm. "The federal and state government's Starting Opportunities Program is intended to give children and young people better educational opportunities regardless of ..
The Free Voters (FW) in Saxony believe that the integration of children and young people with foreign roots into the school system is no longer guaranteed and warn of a collapse. "The figures show alarming conditions. The number of preparatory classes for German as a second language has almost doubl ..
The mayor of Pirna, Tim Lochner, is close to the AfD, even though he is not a member of the party himself. High school students in the town are now resisting Lochner's invitation to their school party.
Canteens in Saxony are to offer people healthier, more regional and organic food in future. "In canteens and school catering with their tight budgets, it is still a great challenge to cook regionally and bioregionally," said Saxony's Minister of Agriculture Wolfram Günther (Greens) on Wednesday at t ..
The GEW is also calling for teachers to record their working hours. A study commissioned by the union proved that they are burdened by non-work activities - the Ministry of Education now wants to know exactly.
Primary schools in Saxony can apply for the "Play makes school" competition and win free toy equipment. Committed parent and support associations can also get involved in consultation with teachers and submit an idea paper, as announced by the Saxon Ministry of Culture in Dresden on Monday. The aim ..
An unusually high number of cases of whooping cough have been reported from schools and nurseries in Chemnitz. A total of 33 cases have already been reported this year, compared to only 24 in the entire previous year, as the city administration reported on Friday. In the past three weeks alone, eigh ..
Saxony's schools are to become fit for the future. To this end, the Ministry of Education has developed a plan that includes a number of innovations. Will there be more alternatives to school grades in future?
For children whose parents do not have an Abitur, the chance of attending a grammar school is low. This applies nationwide, but in Bavaria the probability is lower than in other federal states.
The federal government has been negotiating a continuation of the digital pact with the federal states for a long time. Since the traffic light coalition is short of money, negotiations have become even tougher. The federal states are now putting pressure on the federal government to act.
The federal government has been negotiating a continuation of the digital pact with the federal states for a long time. Since the traffic light coalition is short of money, negotiations have become even tougher. The federal states are now putting pressure on the federal government to act.
Saxony transfers more powers to school authorities to examine specialists. The focus shifts to quality development.
So-called reading scouts are to encourage reading at schools in Saxony for a further two years. The Reading Foundation's project will be funded with 50,000 euros until the end of 2025, the Ministry of Culture announced in Dresden on Tuesday. Since 2006, around 1,000 "reading scouts" have been trying ..
Evolution instead of revolution: this is the slogan under which Saxony intends to further develop its school system in future. A key success factor of Saxony's education policy is the good balance between innovation, systematic and continuous quality development and stability, said Minister of Educa ..
Evolution instead of revolution: this is the slogan under which Saxony intends to further develop its school system in future. A key success factor of Saxony's education policy is the good balance between innovation, systematic and continuous quality development and stability, said Minister of Educa ..
Teacher Jana Bioly from Vogtland was honored for her outstanding work in math and chemistry lessons. Pupils praised her empathy and commitment.
Teacher Jana Bioly from the Vogtland region has been awarded the German Teachers' Prize. She teaches mathematics and chemistry at Julius-Mosen-Gymnasium in Oelsnitz. When nominating her, the students praised her empathy, her commitment and her exciting way of teaching, according to the Heraeus Educa ..
Case law has classified freelancers in various sectors as subject to social security contributions, which not only threatens additional financial claims. This is also becoming a problem for music schools.
The passenger association Pro Bahn is calling for the introduction of a student Germany ticket in Saxony as an upgrade option to the education ticket in order to offer students a cost-effective way to travel throughout Germany.
The Thomas Müntzer Primary School in Schkeuditz, north of Leipzig, wants to score points at this year's German School Award with its unique concept. "The judges already visited us on April 8 and 9 and were very impressed by our concept in terms of the school community, integration and the involvemen ..
Final exams are coming up for 21,100 secondary school pupils in Saxony. Minister of Education Christian Piwarz wishes them every success.
An alliance of trade unions, parents' and pupils' councils and the secondary school teachers' association has called for the nationwide expansion of school social work in Saxony. "Media consumption, violence, bullying and stress among children and young people have been on the rise for years," said ..
Trade union, parents' and pupils' councils and secondary school teachers' association call for expansion of school social work by 2030.
The announced warning strikes in local transport coincide with the exam period. The Saxon Minister of Education is concerned about the pupils and is calling for a review of the strike plans.
Saxon government calls for closer cooperation between schools and companies to promote STEM subjects and the next generation of skilled workers.
The head of the Saxon government and the Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs are advocating increased cooperation between schools and companies in order to promote interest in STEM subjects.
The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) criticizes the Left Party in Bavaria for its decision on education policy and the abolition of school grades.
Police check speed with pupils at selected elementary school in Saxony as part of the "Blitz for Kids" campaign.
Schools and daycare centers have until mid-April to apply for the program, which provides children with two portions of fruit, vegetables or milk per week.
The Abitur examinations begin on Tuesday for around 10,647 pupils at general secondary schools, colleges and evening grammar schools in Saxony. Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU) wished those affected every success on Monday. "The goal is within reach. Now it's time to hold your nerve and ..
Many lessons were canceled at schools in Saxony in the first half of the year. Secondary schools and special schools were particularly affected. The Ministry of Culture has an explanation.
According to the Ministry of Education, 80% of schools in Saxony are using the learning budget provided by the Free State to mitigate the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. A total of 1132 schools took advantage of the "Flexible Learning Budget" program launched at the beginning of the 2023/2 ..
Two elementary school from Saxony are in the next round of the competition for the German School Award 2024. "The fact that the two elementary school are taking part in the next round is a great success in itself," said Saxony's Minister of Culture Christian Piwarz on Wednesday. The CDU politician i ..
Those who want to spend a year building bridges in the German-Czech border region can apply to take part in a funding program until 7 April. The "A Year at the Border" project of the German-Czech Future Fund is already entering its third round, the organizers announced in Prague on Monday. They are ..
The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance warns of a creeping militarization of society and criticizes the war rhetoric of the German government.
According to the Ministry of Education, the distribution of educational recommendations in Saxony is returning to pre-coronavirus levels.
The second-chance education system is being used less and less in Saxony. As the State Statistical Office in Kamenz announced on Thursday, 1867 adults are studying at one of the ten corresponding schools in the state in the current school year - 4.1 percent fewer than in the previous school year. Th ..
Winter sports are to be promoted more strongly in Saxony's schools and kindergartens in future in order to improve children's motor skills.
In 2022, Saxony spent around 8600 euros on the education of a pupil at a public school, 200 euros more than in the previous year.
Saxony's primary school pupils receive additional German and subject lessons to improve their reading and writing skills. Minister of Education Piwarz announces measures.
Minister of Education Piwarz expresses concern about the increase in acts of violence at schools in Saxony and emphasizes the need for a zero-tolerance strategy.
While artificial intelligence is finding its way into everyday school life, trade unions and pupils are calling for standardized offers. Now the Ministry of Education wants to provide teachers with a tool.
A robot set is designed to give primary school pupils in Saxony a playful approach to robotics. Elementary school and after-school care centers can now borrow the self-programming sets free of charge, the Forum for Culture and Education announced in Leipzig on Monday. A playful, creative and also cr ..
All primary school pupils in Saxony should learn to swim during PE lessons. There is a need to catch up after the coronavirus pandemic.
Pupils try out different professions in the open week of companies, supported by more than 1300 companies and institutions.
The Saxon Ministry of Culture is funding school newspapers with up to 250 euros for the first issues. Applications can be submitted until May 17.
Private elementary school in Dresden have many advantages. The kindergartens and elementary school lay the foundations for children's education and development.
653 additional teachers and assistants in Saxony for Ukrainian and other immigrant pupils.
Swastika graffiti on school buildings, right-wing extremist content in class chats, Hitler salutes - the number of incidents with a right-wing extremist background at schools in Saxony has risen.
Saxony is planning to train trainee teachers for secondary schools and special education in Löbau in order to better meet the demand for teachers in the region.
Before the winter vacations, pupils in Saxony receive their half-year reports. Parents and pupils can take stock and think about ways to improve. A hotline of the State Office for Schools and Education is available to answer questions.
A stay abroad helps you learn a foreign language. It also shapes personality and self-confidence. 35 pupils from Saxony can now apply for scholarships.
More than 520,000 pupils in Saxony begin their two-week winter vacation at the end of the week and receive their half-year reports on February 9.
Minister of Education Piwarz speaks of "schools with special challenges and in special situations": Targeted support is now to be provided for these thanks to a federal-state agreement.
The Saxon Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs has the skills of second graders tested in order to identify differences in the student body and determine the necessary support.
Saxony records an increase in student teachers in STEM subjects in the winter semester 2023/24
Saxony has hired assistants to relieve teachers at Saxon schools. But how much of a burden are teachers really under? A study is now set to find out.
According to Education Minister Christian Piwarz (CDU), lateral entrants will remain an integral part of Saxon schools for the foreseeable future. Saxony has thus embarked on a path that is exemplary throughout Germany.
In the wake of the farmers' protests and road traffic restrictions, there will be no lessons in some schools in Saxony on Monday. A spokesperson for the State Office for Schools and Education said that a few schools were affected. However, there had been no precise inquiry at the schools. In the Erz ..
Saxony's schools are to remain open on Monday despite the announced restrictions on road traffic due to the farmers' protests. "The schools will have to decide in accordance with the regional restrictions to what extent learning time must be arranged at home," the ministry said on Friday in response ..
Saxony's Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU) is committed to improving early childhood education in order to give all children equal opportunities in the education system.
Top marks, new curricula and more autonomy for schools - the school of the future is the subject of controversial debate among experts in Saxony.
Teachers and university employees in Saxony have once again called a warning strike on Wednesday. One day before the next round of collective bargaining for state employees, the unions want to put the pressure on once again. They are planning a central rally in front of the Ministry of Finance in Dr ..
Teachers and university employees in Saxony have once again called a warning strike on Wednesday. One day before the next round of collective bargaining for state employees, the unions want to put the pressure on once again. They are planning a central rally in front of the Ministry of Finance in Dr ..
The renewed Pisa shock for Germany is also a concern for Saxony's school policy. The GEW is calling for swift action and additional funding for a new education package.
With a nationwide "education strike day", the GEW trade union wants to put pressure on collective bargaining in the public sector. Parents and children have to be prepared for some school absences.
Ahead of World Book Day next year, pupils in Saxony are to receive a story written especially for the day as a gift. Teachers of fourth and fifth graders as well as special education and welcome classes have been able to order book vouchers for this purpose since Wednesday, the Saxon Ministry of Cul ..
Statements by Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer on the quality of education in the Free State have been sharply criticized by the SPD.
Saxony is also responding to the teacher shortage with external personnel. As the Ministry of Education in Dresden announced on Wednesday, 400 schools can independently buy staff in the current school year. Previously, this affected only 114 schools. According to Culture Minister Christian Piwarz (C ..
Saxony's Ministry of Culture encourages teachers to address the Middle East conflict in the classroom because students have fears, concerns and questions.
The Free State provides plenty of 137 million euros for cities, municipalities and counties to promote all-day care. According to a cabinet decision, new or conversion, expansion and renovation of school buildings and after-school care centers and their outdoor facilities can be financed with up to ..
The Free State provides plenty of 137 million euros for cities, municipalities and counties to promote all-day care. According to a cabinet decision, new or conversion, expansion and renovation of school buildings and after-school care centers and their outdoor facilities can be financed with up to ..
The left-wing parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament is calling for a turnaround in education in view of the poor state of schools.
People in eastern Germany rate schools among the worst in Germany, according to an Ifo study. Only in North Rhine-Westphalia was the rating even worse, the Munich-based Ifo Institute reported Tuesday. 19 percent of adults surveyed in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia gave the grade 4 or worse, 56 ..
The Saxon Ministry of Culture has selected five schools for the media project "School and Digital Democracy". As the association Aktion Zivilcourage announced on Wednesday, the high school Flöha-Plaue, the Semper high school Dresden, the Geschwister-Scholl high school Nossen, the Schiller high schoo ..