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Saxony's heads of government and education ministers promote close cooperation between schools and companies

Michael Kretschmer (CDU, r)and Christian Piwarz (CDU) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Michael Kretschmer (CDU, r)and Christian Piwarz (CDU) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The head of the Saxon government and the Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs are advocating increased cooperation between schools and companies in order to promote interest in STEM subjects.

Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (both CDU) are campaigning for closer cooperation between schools and companies. To this end, there are to be contractually regulated cooperation agreements, the Ministry of Culture announced in Dresden on Monday. "We want to arouse young people's curiosity for nature and technology at an early age. After all, knowledge is our most important resource, especially in the STEM subjects," explained Kretschmer. MINT stands for the subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. Intensive cooperation between schools and companies promotes pupils' career choice skills and interest in the STEM subjects.

Employer President Jörg Brückner also echoed this sentiment. "We urgently need skilled workers. Without STEM, we won't find solutions to the challenges in the areas of energy, mobility and climate protection." Therefore, no effort should be left unturned to inspire young people and thus the skilled workers of tomorrow for these subjects. The companies in the Free State would make their contribution to this. Piwarz announced support. "If you want to embark on this path, we will provide you with a support network in the form of the MINT Hub Saxony."

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