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GEW Saxony demands prioritization of education

A teacher writes a math problem on a digital blackboard. / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa
A teacher writes a math problem on a digital blackboard. / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

The renewed Pisa shock for Germany is also a concern for Saxony's school policy. The GEW is calling for swift action and additional funding for a new education package.

Following the poor performance of German pupils in the Pisa study, the education union GEW in Saxony is calling for swift and consistent action from the state government. It is particularly dramatic that educational success in Germany continues to be particularly dependent on social background, the GEW announced in Leipzig on Tuesday. The Pisa figures make it clear that educational inequality in the German education system has not decreased, but actually increases in times of crisis.

The pressure to cut costs in the past has led to a lack of staff, teachers being overworked and digitalization and media education being years behind schedule. Education must now become an absolute priority in politics.

German pupils performed worse than ever before in the international Pisa performance study in 2022. Both in reading and in mathematics and science, these are the lowest values ever measured for Germany in the Pisa study.

A total of 257 schools across Germany took part in the Pisa study. Results at state level are not available.

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