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Schools get money for external staff

A colored pencil with the inscription "I wish you a good start in school."/ Photo: Matthias Bein/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB/Symbolbild
A colored pencil with the inscription "I wish you a good start in school."/ Photo: Matthias Bein/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB/Symbolbild

Saxony is also responding to the teacher shortage with external personnel. As the Ministry of Education in Dresden announced on Wednesday, 400 schools can independently buy staff in the current school year. Previously, this affected only 114 schools. According to Culture Minister Christian Piwarz (CDU), 13.5 million euros are available annually for this purpose. The funds could be used for all school work, except for the independent implementation of lessons. As an example, the ministry cited the local cantor who leads the school choir, artists to supervise a working group or IT specialists for the development of digital teaching and learning materials.

"These are mainly service contracts for tutoring, support or immersion offerings outside the timetable, for project days, workshops, redesign of the homepage and assistants for bureaucratic support," it said. With this support, teachers could focus more on their actual work - teaching. The budgets ranged between 7000 and 100,000 euros, depending on the size of the school, the average value was about 35,000 euros.

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