The public is also in demand when it comes to evaluating the Saxon daycare education plan. Parents, educators, nursery managers and professional associations in particular are called upon to contribute their ideas and wishes on the online participation portal, as announced by the Ministry of Education. A questionnaire can be completed there until February 19.
The suggestions from the field will be incorporated into the evaluation of the daycare education plan, which is being carried out by the Center for Research, Continuing Education and Consulting at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Dresden in cooperation with the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.
"We are hoping for broad participation from the field so that the needs and proposed solutions from the daycare centers can be incorporated directly into the revision," said Minister of Education Conrad Clemens (CDU).
Kindergarten children must be better supported
Experts and the universities involved are evaluating the results of the survey, according to the ministry. After a trial phase, further feedback from the specialist field and the development of an implementation strategy, the new education plan should be available by the end of 2025.
According to Clemens, binding standards will be needed in future for educational work in daycare facilities in order to prepare children for the transition to elementary school in the best possible way. Due to the dramatic decline in the basic skills of writing, reading and arithmetic, the mandatory educational mandate must be strengthened. "It must be clear what children need to be able to do when they start first grade," said Clemens.
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