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University Hospital employees receive more money

Flags of Leipzig University and the University Hospital hang in front of a building of the clinic / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Flags of Leipzig University and the University Hospital hang in front of a building of the clinic / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The non-medical staff at Leipzig University Hospital (UKL) will receive more money and an inflation compensation payment. As the hospital announced on Monday, the management and the trade union Verdi have agreed on a new in-house collective agreement for the approximately 4,700 employees. This also provides for a gradual transition to a 38.5-hour week.

In order to mitigate inflation, employees will reportedly receive tax-free special payments of 3000 euros. Apprentices will receive 1500 euros.

Wages will increase by 200 euros on November 1. A further wage increase of 5.5 percent is planned for February 1, 2025, the UKL announced. The 38.5-hour week is set to become a reality on January 1, 2026.

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